近くにお住まいのお客様とLos verdesゴルフ場へいって来ました。
予約は 7日前の朝4:30からゴルフ場の受付にてサインアップ開始、5時から先着順に予約します。すでに4:30の時点で10人は並んでました。
無事に8:15スタートで予約出来、天気の良い中最高の景色でプレーを楽しめました。I went to the Los verdes golf course with customer. It was nice weather and great ocean view however reservation was difficult I had to wake up around 4am, 7days before tee up date and also normally difficult to reserve by web so I had to go to the golf course for reservation. But this course is very reasonable and very beautiful view I understand the reason for very popular.
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